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Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority
Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore
BCA Centre for Sustainable Buildings (BCA CSB)
Building and Construction Authority
City Gas Pte Ltd (as Trustee)
Defence Science & Technology Agency of Singapore
Energy Market Authority
Enterprise Singapore
Housing and Development Board
Infocomm Media Development Authority
Institution of Engineers, Singapore
Jurong Town Corporation
Land Transport Authority
LTA Academy
Manpower Development Department
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Manpower
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Nanyang Technological University
National Environment Agency
National Parks Board
National University of Singapore
Power Gas
Power Supply
Professional Engineers Board
Public Utilities Board
Real Estate Developers' Association of Singapore
Republic Polytechnic
Singapore Civil Defence Force
Singapore Contractors Association Ltd
Singapore Green Building Council
Singapore Institute of Architects
Singapore Institute of Building Limited
Singapore Institute Surveyors & Valuers
Singapore Land Authority
Singapore Polytechnic
Singapore Structural Steel Society
Singapore University of Social Sciences
Singapore Welding Society
Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering Geology (Singapore)
Upcoming Events
Building and Construction Authority
25 Jan 2019 to 25 Jan 2019
Having buildings completed and handed over to the owner on time is contractually important. Stakeholders should strive for minimum deviations from the approved building plans and Written Permission to avoid any delay during the TOP/CSC application. The course aims to equip participants with the knowledge on: a) procedure in the application for TOP/CSC b) technical and administrative requirements in connection with TOP/CSC application and c) common non-compliance and trends in the building works that are found during the TOP/CSC inspection.
Building and Construction Authority
29 Jan 2019 to 30 Jan 2019
Workplace Safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations require stakeholders such as employers, self-employed persons and principals to have the responsibility of identifying safety and health hazards at the workplace and taking appropriate actions to eliminate the hazards or mitigate the risks associated with the hazards. Risk assessment and management is the key to reduce the risks at source.Participant who attends this course will have an in-depth understanding and knowledge on the concepts and methodologies of risk assessment and management. This course will also provide hands-on experience in the risk assessment for construction activities and development of risk management implementation plan.
Building and Construction Authority
30 Jan 2019 to 30 Jan 2019
Granite, Marble and Ceramic tilling are common finishes in building work. The Good Industry Practices Marble and Granite Finishes and Good Industry Practices Ceramic Tiling were developed to share with the industry good work practices adopted by practitioners and contractors who have consistently delivered high quality work, providing simple and practical tips to assist designers in selecting tiles and contractors in achieving high quality workmanship.This course highlights the good practices as introduced in the two guidebooks.
Building and Construction Authority
8 Feb 2019 to 8 Feb 2019
With the increase demand for construction professionals in the Built Environment industry, you and your peers must be really keen to join, but also have questions and doubts that you wish someone professional can give you an answer. You need to join us for our upcoming Course Preview happening this February 2019.WHY CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT?Every construction project combines a variety of complex challenges. Managing a project requires a combination of technical understanding of construction processes and resource management, as well as managing their legal and financial aspects.WHY STUDY WITH US?The Bachelor of Construction Management (Building)(Honours) will equip you with the skills and knowledge to manage complexities in construction projects both in Singapore and across the world. The programme incorporates substantial Building Information Modelling (BIM) teaching and projects which offer a niche specialty beyond the construction management discipline. This would give the graduates a solid foundation to pursue wide career choice as BIM Managers, Project Managers, Quantity Surveyors and Facility Managers.The degree programme is conceptualised to be a problem-based learning pedagogy to train students to solve real world challenges, develop holistic understanding of construction project environment and portable life-long learning skills. To offer an accelerated pathway, an advanced standing articulation would be eligible for students with relevant diploma qualifications.So, it is time to take action in order to embark on a rewarding career in the Built Environment industry!Attend our upcoming course preview (available in Session 1 and 2) to learn more about the construction industry and our best recommended programme; Bachelor of Construction Management (Building) (Honours) that we have to offer, starting this February 2019. Limited seats available. *Please bring along original & photocopies of your NRIC & Education Certificates.Please call 6248 9944 or 6248 9999 should you need more clarifications. Otherwise, you may also write in to our Programme Consultant, Ms Bernice Ang | e:
Requirements of noise control and management in construction sites are stipulated by NEA and MOM through legislations. To ensure that construction works do not affect neighbouring residents and businesses, noise levels are to be continuously monitored in construction sites and kept within the permissible levels. Developers also require contractors to prepare and submit to them a Noise Management Plan which usually includes the baseline noise record, indicate the Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSRs) (such as hospitals, schools, etc.) and propose mitigation measures and public relation strategies to handle noise matters. Throughout the construction duration, contractors are required to implement all practicable measures while continuously monitoring the noise levels closely.
Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS) is a voluntary scheme developed by BCA in conjunction with the major public sector agencies and various industry professional bodies to measure quality level achieved in a completed project. As part of the requirements for the Certified QM/CONQUAS Manager schemes which accord recognition to construction personnel who are instrumental in ensuring and delivering high quality projects as reflected in high CONQUAS score projects, the Certified QM/CONQUAS Managers course provides necessary knowledge to enable the participants to effectively implement Quality Management System (QMS) and achieve better Quality Mark (QM)/CONQUAS score.
Various challenges are present in pile foundation works due to the uncertainties and variability of the ground conditions. Once the piles are installed, they are expected to function throughout their lifetime. During the lifetime of the building, the foundation is rarely inspected for its continued structural integrity and stability. Supervision of piling works for building foundation is therefore essential and critical in ensuring the quality of construction works and safety of building structures. This short course imparts to participants the essential knowledge of good construction practices, supervision of piling works, regulatory requirements and testing of pile foundation works.
Building and Construction Authority
19 Feb 2019 to 29 Nov 2019
Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is an integrated approach thatcombines Building Information Modelling (BIM) and advanced management methods to improve productivity. The programme will provide insights into VDC methodologies such asIntegrated Concurrent Engineering, and Process and Production Management, where participants will be able to apply these VDC methodologies to streamline project workflow and improve business performances . VDC will benefit both consultants and contractors to achieve productivity gains in upstream and downstream of both design and construction phases.
Building and Construction Authority
19 Feb 2019 to 29 Nov 2019
Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) is helping revolutionise construction, making it faster, safer and more reliable. It is a process whereby buildings are designed for ease of off-site manufacturing and efficiency of on-site assembly. To enjoy the benefits of DfMA for construction industry, practitioners will need to re-think its project design approaches and construction processes.This programme aims to equip industry professionals with the knowledge and skills to apply DfMA principles in construction projects, so as to achieve higher construction productivity.
Building and Construction Authority
19 Feb 2019 to 29 Nov 2019
The Specialist Diploma Computational BIM Building (SDCBB) programme aims to equip Built Environment professionals and contractors with knowledge in the different computational BIM tools for automation, optimization and validation. Learners will undergo an intensive course where they will acquire knowledge on basic programming syntax and proceed to learn how to script across various types of computational BIM software for customisation of the BIM programmes. With data generated from BIM models, learners would also be able to manage and manipulate such data for construction use, which enables further application to their respective disciplines. The programme devotes 60% of the total contact hours to the use of computer labs for hands-on learning. Finally, students will embark on a 4-month graded project based on application of the computational skills they have learnt into their current projects. *Please be informed that the indicated start and end dates of this course are currently tentative.
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