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This comprehensive 3 days preparation training course based on thenew issue of SS638(2018) - Requirements for Electrical Installations, isdesigned to help young and practicing electrical engineers who wants tohave a clear understanding of SS638 requirements. The scope of the course generally follows that of SS638 (2018), but it also contains materials not included in the new issue of SS638(2018) that are necessary to explain, expand upon and simplify the essential parts of the regulations, ensure high quality guidance that is simple, easy to follow and understanding of specific key topics.

Institution of Engineers, Singapore

25 May 2021 to 25 May 2021

While we are aware that it is not the responsibility of the architect/designer to maintain the facility upon its completion, this is not fully appreciated during the design process. When design decisions are made without regard to the maintenance perspective, it can often lead to a facility that incurs more cost to maintain or that has components that simply cannot be maintained. As facilities are completed, the owner's maintenance responsibilities begin and increase with the ageing of the facilities. The lack of maintainability is sometimes further aggravated by man power shortage and budget reductions.Given the maintenance issues that can arise, a fundamental understanding that facilities can be designed to be more maintainable will lead to lower cost of operation and higher safety during the entire building life.The objective of this course is to provide all stakeholders of a project the understanding and techniques when designing a facility to achieve high maintainability and productivity post construction.
